Description: |
Price: |
Qty: |
126 - Alum Root (200) |
$1.50 |
170 - Anemone, Meadow(15) |
$1.50 |
63 - Angelica(50) |
$1.50 |
553 - Arrowleaf Sweet Coltsfoot(25) |
$1.50 |
505 - Aster, Arrow-leaved(100) |
$1.50 |
506 - Aster, Drummond's(100) |
$1.50 |
455 - Aster, Forked(50) |
$1.50 |
35 - Aster, New England(190) |
$1.50 |
40 - Aster, Prairie(130) |
$1.50 |
558 - Aster, Silky(50) |
$1.50 |
199 - Aster, Sky Blue(100) |
$1.50 |
165 - Aster, Smooth Blue(100) |
$1.50 |
197 - Aster, Upland White(50) |
$1.50 |
535 - Beardtongue, Calico(25) |
$1.50 |
536 - Beardtongue, Eastern White(25) |
$1.50 |
119 - Beardtongue, Foxglove(100) |
$1.50 |
27 - Beardtongue, Large Flowered(50) |
$1.50 |
176 - Beardtongue, Pale(50) |
$1.50 |
441 - Beardtongue, Showy(25) |
$1.50 |
482 - Beardtongue, Tube(100) |
$1.50 |
507 - Bee Balm, Bradbury's(50) |
$1.50 |
437 - Bee Balm, Marshall's(20) |
$1.50 |
106 - Bee Balm, Red(20) |
$1.50 |
405 - Bellwort, Large-flowered(10) |
$1.50 |
101 - Betony, Marsh(25) |
$1.50 |
509 - Betony, Wood(20) |
$1.50 |
487 - Bishop's Cap(20) |
$1.50 |
540 - Bittersweet, American(30) |
$1.50 |
1 - Black-eyed Susan(1,250) |
$1.50 |
52 - Black-eyed Susan,Sweet(60) |
$1.50 |
2 - Blanket flower(130) |
$1.50 |
12 - Blazingstar,Dense(70) |
$1.50 |
175 - Blazingstar, Dotted(25) |
$1.50 |
130 - Blazingstar,Dwarf(50) |
$1.50 |
151 - Blazingstar,Meadow(25) |
$1.50 |
521 - Blazingstar,Northern(25) |
$1.50 |
153 - Blazingstar,Rough(25) |
$1.50 |
450 - Blazingstar,Scaly(25) |
$1.50 |
53 - Blazingstar,Thickspiked(60) |
$1.50 |
85 - Bloodroot(30) |
$1.50 |
500 - Blue Cohosh(3) |
$1.50 |
135 - Blue Eyed Grass(25) |
$1.50 |
460 - Blue Eyed Grass, Mont.(25) |
$1.50 |
491 - Blue Eyed Grass, Stout (15) |
$1.50 |
488 - Blue Eyed Grass, White (15) |
$1.50 |
3 - Blue Flax (250) |
$1.50 |
80 - Boneset (100) |
$1.50 |
185 - Boneset, False (25) |
$1.50 |
445 - Bunch Flower (12) |
$1.50 |
46 - Bush Clover, Round-headed (60) |
$1.50 |
189 - Bush Clover, Slender (50) |
$1.50 |
139 - California Poppy (200) |
$1.50 |
465 - Camass, White (40) |
$1.50 |
438 - Campion, Snowy (20) |
$1.50 |
426 - Campion, Starry (30) |
$1.50 |
148 - Canada Milk Vetch (100) |
$1.50 |
7 - Cardinal Flower (270) |
$1.50 |
544 - Cardinal Flower, Fushia (50) |
$1.50 |
515 - Catchfly, Scarlet (25) |
$1.50 |
59 - Columbine,Wild (100) |
$1.50 |
522 - Columbine,Blue(50) |
$1.50 |
194 - Common Arrowhead(100) |
$1.50 |
94 - Compass Plant(25) |
$1.50 |
5 - Coneflower, Branched(100) |
$1.50 |
508 - Coneflower, Clasping(200) |
$1.50 |
138 - Coneflower, Green Headed(100) |
$1.50 |
156 - Coneflower, Narrow-leaf(50) |
$1.50 |
484 - Coneflower, Orange(50) |
$1.50 |
37 - Coneflower, Pale Purple(40) |
$1.50 |
42 - Coneflower, Purple(80) |
$1.50 |
485 - Coneflower, Reflexed(25) |
$1.50 |
472 - Coneflower, Tennessee(25) |
$1.50 |
545 - Coneflower, White(50) |
$1.50 |
60 - Coneflower, Yellow(245) |
$1.50 |
404 - Coneflower, Yellow Paradoxa(15) |
$1.50 |
61 - Coneflower, Yellow Prairie(150) |
$1.50 |
15 - Coreopsis, Dwf.Lanced Leaved(75) |
$1.50 |
16 - Coreopsis, Dwf. Plains(300) |
$1.50 |
17 - Coreopsis, Dwf.Red Plains(300) |
$1.50 |
26 - Coreopsis, Lanced Leaved(140) |
$1.50 |
39 - Coreopsis, Plains(300) |
$1.50 |
162 - Coreopsis, Prairie(50) |
$1.50 |
546 - Coreopsis, Sand(25) |
$1.50 |
11 - Culver's Root(200) |
$1.50 |
10 - Cup Plant(25) |
$1.50 |
13 - Dotted Mint(100) |
$1.50 |
18 - Evening Primrose(100) |
$1.50 |
550 - False Foxglove, Large Flowered Yellow(25) |
$1.50 |
65 - Fame Flower(10) |
$1.50 |
549 - Field Wormwood(200) |
$1.50 |
66 - Fireweed(25) |
$1.50 |
100 - Flowering Spurge(25) |
$1.50 |
499 - Foam Flower(50) |
$1.50 |
87 - Gentian, Bottle(200) |
$1.50 |
196 - Gentian, Cream(70) |
$1.50 |
184 - Gentian, Stiff(25) |
$1.50 |
70 - Goats Rue(15) |
$1.50 |
136 - Golden Alexanders(50) |
$1.50 |
154 - Golden Alexander,Heart-leaf(25) |
$1.50 |
539 - Goldenrod, Cliff(15) |
$1.50 |
169 - Goldenrod, Ohio(100) |
$1.50 |
188 - Goldenrod, Riddell(100) |
$1.50 |
68 - Goldenrod,Showy(50) |
$1.50 |
69 - Goldenrod,Stiff(60) |
$1.50 |
552 - Goldenseal(8) |
$1.50 |
476 - Ground Plum(12) |
$1.50 |
77 - Harebell(25) |
$1.50 |
122 - Hepatica(12) |
$1.50 |
560 - Hyacinth, Prairie(25) |
$1.50 |
192 - Hyacinth, Wild (15) |
$1.50 |
163 - Hyssop, Lavendar(100) |
$1.50 |
538 - Hyssop, Yellow Giant(100) |
$1.50 |
565 - Illinois Bundleflower(150) |
$1.50 |
471 - Illinois Tick Trefoil(25) |
$1.50 |
22 - Indian Blanket(110) |
$1.50 |
23 - Indian Paintbrush(200) |
$1.50 |
511 - Indian Paintbrush, Downy Cup(50) |
$1.50 |
527 - Indian Plantain, Great(30) |
$1.50 |
172 - Indian Plantain, Pale(25) |
$1.50 |
415 - Indian Plantain, Prairie(40) |
$1.50 |
514 - Indian Plantain, Sweet(100) |
$1.50 |
24 - Ironweed(50) |
$1.50 |
182 - Ironweed,Common(50) |
$1.50 |
25 - Jack-in-the-Pulpit(15) |
$1.50 |
478 - Jacob's Ladder(10) |
$1.50 |
81 - Joe Pye Weed(25) |
$1.50 |
155 - Joe Pye Weed,Sweet(25) |
$1.50 |
537 - Larkspur, Dwarf(20) |
$1.50 |
448 - Larkspur, Prairie(25) |
$1.50 |
490 - Larkspur, Tall(15) |
$1.50 |
532 - Larkspur, Wild Blue(25) |
$1.50 |
28 - Leadplant(100) |
$1.50 |
Description: |
Price: |
Qty: |
29 - Lemon Mint(300) |
$1.50 |
20 - Lobelia,Great Blue(100) |
$1.50 |
541 - Lobelia,Great Blue, White(100) |
$1.50 |
180 - Lobelia, Pale Spiked(50) |
$1.50 |
419 - Loosestrife, Narrow Leaved(50) |
$1.50 |
30 - Lupine(60) |
$1.50 |
510 - Mallow, Glade(100) |
$1.50 |
444 - Mallow, Kankakee(25) |
$1.50 |
517 - Mallow, Rose(25) |
$1.50 |
518 - Mallow, Rose, Hairy(25) |
$1.50 |
76 - Marsh Marigold(15) |
$1.50 |
458 - Marigold, Nodding Bur(50) |
$1.50 |
564 - Meadow Beauty(200) |
$1.50 |
512 - Meadow Rue, Purple(40) |
$1.50 |
32 - Mexican Red Hat(190) |
$1.50 |
513 - Midewiwan Sacred Tobacco(25) |
$1.50 |
6 - Milkweed, Butterfly(25) |
$1.50 |
9 - Milkweed, Common(50) |
$1.50 |
474 - Milkweed, Hall's(12) |
$1.50 |
566 - Milkweed, Oval-leaf(15) |
$1.50 |
475 - Milkweed, Polk(10) |
$1.50 |
195 - Milkweed, Prairie(10) |
$1.50 |
181 - Milkweed, Showy(25) |
$1.50 |
524 - Milkweed, Spider(20) |
$1.50 |
51 - Milkweed, Swamp(25) |
$1.50 |
429 - Milkweed, Tall Green(25) |
$1.50 |
557 - Milkweed Vine(15) |
$1.50 |
97 - Milkweed, Whorled(25) |
$1.50 |
33 - Missouri Primrose(100) |
$1.50 |
479 - Mistflower(15) |
$1.50 |
418 - Monkey Flower(50) |
$1.50 |
34 - Mountain Garland(50) |
$1.50 |
403 - Mountain Mint(100) |
$1.50 |
519 - Mustard, Tower(300) |
$1.50 |
75 - New Jersey Tea(50) |
$1.50 |
548 - Ninebark(100) |
$1.50 |
401 - Obedient Plant(30) |
$1.50 |
555 - Obedient Plant, Narrow-leaved(25) |
$1.50 |
36 - Onion, Nodding Pink (25) |
$1.50 |
551 - Onion, Textile (25) |
$1.50 |
159 - Onion, Prairie(25) |
$1.50 |
92 - Pasque Flower(25) |
$1.50 |
38 - Pea, Partridge(50) |
$1.50 |
480 - Pea, Scrufy(8) |
$1.50 |
447 - Petunia, Wild(25) |
$1.50 |
559 - Petunia, Smooth(8) |
$1.50 |
435 - Phlox, Meadow(10) |
$1.50 |
71 - Phlox, Prairie(15) |
$1.50 |
457 - Phlox, Smooth(20) |
$1.50 |
528 - Poppy Mallow, Bush's(10) |
$1.50 |
531 - Poppy Mallow, Clustered(15) |
$1.50 |
529 - Poppy Mallow, Fringed(20) |
$1.50 |
530 - Poppy Mallow, Purple(20) |
$1.50 |
569 - Poppy, Wood(50) |
$1.50 |
86 - Prairie Buttercup(10) |
$1.50 |
152 - Prairie Cinquefoil(100) |
$1.50 |
43 - Prairie Clover, Purple(110) |
$1.50 |
193 - Prairie Clover, Silky(100) |
$1.50 |
83 - Prairie Clover, White(100) |
$1.50 |
62 - Prairie Dock(20) |
$1.50 |
563 - Prairie Iris(50) |
$1.50 |
464 - Prairie Lily(15) |
$1.50 |
427 - Prairie Parsley(15) |
$1.50 |
41 - Prairie Smoke(50) |
$1.50 |
483 - Puccoon, Hairy(10) |
$1.50 |
534 - Purple Locoweed(25) |
$1.50 |
93 - Queen of the Prairie(25) |
$1.50 |
44 - Rattlesnake Master(40) |
$1.50 |
516 - Rattlesnake Root(20) |
$1.50 |
140 - Rosin Weed(20) |
$1.50 |
523 - Rocky Mountain Bee Plant(100) |
$1.50 |
198 - Royal Catchfly(50) |
$1.50 |
190 - Sage, Blue(50) |
$1.50 |
115 - Sage, Prairie(200) |
$1.50 |
48 - Sage, Scarlet(50) |
$1.50 |
78 - Shooting Star(50) |
$1.50 |
489 - Shooting Star, Amethyst(25) |
$1.50 |
49 - Showy Evening Primrose(100) |
$1.50 |
143 - Showy Tick Trefoil(50) |
$1.50 |
556 - Skullcap, Heart-leaved(8) |
$1.50 |
477 - Skullcap, Mad-dog(25) |
$1.50 |
432 - Snakeroot, White(25) |
$1.50 |
112 - Sneezeweed(25) |
$1.50 |
493 - Solomon's Seal(25) |
$1.50 |
50 - Spiderwort(60) |
$1.50 |
525 - Spiderwort, Prairie(25) |
$1.50 |
72 - Spiderwort, White(12) |
$1.50 |
496 - Spring Beauty(20) |
$1.50 |
105 - Steeplebush(200) |
$1.50 |
440 - St. John's Wort, Dotted(100) |
$1.50 |
414 - St. John's Wort, Great(100) |
$1.50 |
183 - Sunflower,Downy(25) |
$1.50 |
19 - Sunflower,False(50) |
$1.50 |
31 - Sunflower,Maximillian(50) |
$1.50 |
90 - Sunflower,Sawtooth(25) |
$1.50 |
160 - Sunflower,Showy(25) |
$1.50 |
56 - Sunflower,Western(25) |
$1.50 |
161 - Sunflower,Willowleaf(25) |
$1.50 |
533 - Sweet Everlasting(50) |
$1.50 |
486 - Tall Bellflower(50) |
$1.50 |
88 - Thimble Weed(25) |
$1.50 |
54 - Trillium, White(10) |
$1.50 |
416 - Turk's Cap Lily,Lilium michiganense(15) |
$1.50 |
55 - Turk's Cap Lily,Lilium superbum(25) |
$1.50 |
425 - Turtlehead(20) |
$1.50 |
547 - Turtlehead, Pink(25) |
$1.50 |
520 - Twinleaf(10) |
$1.50 |
430 - Venus' Looking Glass(50) |
$1.50 |
4 - Vervain,Blue(75) |
$1.50 |
21 - Vervain,Hoary(140) |
$1.50 |
117 - Violet, Arrowleaf(10) |
$1.50 |
570 - Violet, Smooth Yellow(25) |
$1.50 |
73 - Virginia Bluebells(12) |
$1.50 |
45 - Yarrow,Rosey Red(300) |
$1.50 |
57 - Yarrow,White(300) |
$1.50 |
58 - Wild Bergamot(120) |
$1.50 |
134 - Wild Garlic(10) |
$1.50 |
79 - Wild Geranium(10) |
$1.50 |
434 - Wild Ginger(20) |
$1.50 |
157 - Wild Indigo,Blue(15) |
$1.50 |
526 - Wild Indigo,Blue Dwarf(15) |
$1.50 |
89 - Wild Indigo,Cream(15) |
$1.50 |
158 - Wild Indigo,White(25) |
$1.50 |
503 - Wild Indigo,Yellow Small(15) |
$1.50 |
84 - Wild Iris (Blue Flag)(15) |
$1.50 |
492 - Wild Iris (10) |
$1.50 |
171 - Wild Leek (20) |
$1.50 |
186 - Wild Quinine(25) |
$1.50 |
400 - Wild Rose, Early(30) |
$1.50 |
402 - Wild Senna(25) |
$1.50 |
442 - Wood Mint, Downy(50) |
$1.50 |
443 - Wood Mint, Hairy(50) |
$1.50 |
133 - Yellow Pimpernel(25) |
$1.50 |